INTRO - What this code does and why you want it
:root {
--color-bg-default: [don't set];
/* This is Super's default variable */
/* It matches the No-Code Theme Designer */
--parralax-effect: fixed;
--parallax-stacking: -1;
/* background-color: MUST BE SET */
/* for Parallax effect */
.super-content {
background-color: var(--color-bg-default) !important;
/* position: MUST BE *FIXED* */
/* z-index: MUST BE *-1* OR LOWER */
/* for Parallax effect */
img.notion-header__cover-image {
position: var(--parallax-effect) !important;
z-index: var(--parallax-stacking) !important;
:root {
--border-radii-layout: [don't set];
/* This is Super's default variable */
/* It matches the No-Code Theme Designer */
.notion-header__title {
background-color: var(----color-bg-default);
/* sets background color page title */
border-radius: var(--border-radii-layout);
/* matches theme rounding */
max-width: fit-content;
/* matches background-color width to title size */
margin: auto;
/* sets margins to force title to center */
/* without margin: auto title is right-aligned */
Hope this was helpful!
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