Sounds like a dramatic headline, yes?
It’s not quite as dramatic as a SWAT team showing up at your home at 3:00am, pounding on the door.
Footage from one of our security camera as an armed deputy approaches the house.
Because that’s how we spent last night here at the Wilson Compound. Just around 3:00am I heard repeated, vigorous knocking on the door. Both our phones started ringing insistently.
It was the Leon County Sheriff’s Office, and they were here responding to a fake 911 call claiming there had been a murder at my home.
Here’s how the terrorists who set up any swatting call hope it goes: a terrified target who has suffered from endless threats of violence to themselves and their family comes to the door with a gun, believing they’re under attack. The SWAT team sees the weapon and kills the victim of the swatter.
I’m one of those targets who’s had endless threats of violence to myself and my family since 2015. It’s a core principle of MAGA; threats and violence are perfectly acceptable against the enemies of Trump. I’m also armed due to years of threats, and that’s not a secret. I carry concealed, I shoot frequently, and do annual advanced firearms training. I’m safe and ready. I’m also not stupid.
Here’s their failure mode; I know better than to roll out the door with a weapon. Besides, I could see the caravan of 10+ LE vehicles on the street. So I walked out in my 60-year old glory in a t-shirt and boxers to talk with them. Yes, I put my hands in the air, because I know the drill by now.
So, sorry, MAGA terrorists, but I didn’t die last night.
I didn’t get shot by the cops, as you planned.
Instead, Renee and I stood on the porch and had a perfectly lovely chat with a team of great professionals from the Leon County Sheriff’s Office and their SWAT Team. Standing around in my skivvies on a cold night was less pleasant, but these things pass.
Once they established it was a swatting call, they instantly deescalated and could not have been more helpful and courteous. They knew there had been previous swatting attempts at my address, and now they’ll know in the future when these attacks occur that it’s harassment and low-grade terrorism.
The fact that some MAGA incel online terrorist dragged them out on a stormy night to swat me is one more piece of the puzzle when it comes to the lie of the MAGA’s “Back the Blue” obsession.
You cost them time, money, and misery in a failed attempt to harass or even kill me.
Did you keep us up until 5:00am? Sure, but I can sleep later. This was Renee’s first time at this rodeo, and it was a little unnerving, but she’s tough as nails, smart as a whip, and rolled with it like a champion.
Swatting is a cowards play, of course, and unacceptable for any political argument on any side of the equation. In 35 years of politics now, the only swatting and death threats I’ve gotten at scale came from Trump supporters. I’m in august company this week, with Special Counsel Jack Smith and Judge Tanya Chutken also on the receiving end of this tactic.
Here’s the thing, folks: it won’t work.
I will not stop. I will not shut up. I will not sit down or bend the knee. I will never leave this fight against Trump and his foul, perverse, grotesque, and un-American terror cult. If the MAGA’s who did this think it will change my voice and my views one iota should prepare for more disappointment in their already disappointing lives.
P.S. It’s virtually impossible to run these people to ground. They use burner phones, VOIP services, etc. and render the hunt difficult if not impossible. Sometimes, the make mistakes. Their flaws are always human error, and pride.
That’s why I’m offering a $25,000 reward for the verified identity of the swatter in this case. Some mook on some -chan, Discord, or Telegram channel is bragging about this, somewhere, and if you know who it is and can prove their identity, the cash is yours.