Justin J. Pearson(action news 5)
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - Local, state, and national lawmakers are responding to the expulsion on the house floor on Thursday.
Justin J. Pearson was the representative for District 86 covering South Memphis through Millington.
Pearson’s expulsion comes after he and two other Democratic representatives protested in support of stricter gun control laws following the murder of six people at a Nashville school.
Every movement needs a spark. Well in this case, I believe it’s a flame. The voices of the people can never be silenced. Whether in whispers in the balcony or yelling outside the House chamber, their voices will be heard. pic.twitter.com/DGUupAiFvQ
I wish cooler heads would have prevailed and prevented the disenfranchisement of the citizens of Memphis and Nashville the expulsions create...in addition to the special expense state taxpayers will now have in scheduling primary and general elections.Memphis Congressman Steve Cohen
We heard from one county commissioner about the move to expel Pearson.
It’s unbelievable to see what we just saw happen. I’ll say this... if we could have a special election on this resurrection Sunday, I would be there to vote that this young man to go back to the State House.Shelby County Commissioner Charlie Caswell
The Tennessee House Republicans say they stand behind the expulsion in a statement posted on Twitter.
They say their focus is on the six lives taken during the school shooting, and says Pearson, Gloria Johnson, and Justin Jones’ actions were done to make the tragedy about themselves.
Additionally, former President Barack Obama made a comment about the results of their expulsion in a tweet.
This nation was built on peaceful protest. No elected official should lose their job simply for raising their voice – especially when they’re doing it on behalf of our children.
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