The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows the public to request records from federal agencies.
In this section, learn how to request and access agency records made available under the FOIA. To learn how Interior processes FOIA requests and what our FOIA offices do, visit the About the FOIA Program page. If you have questions, visit our DOI FOIA Contacts page.
Make a Request
Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), you can request agency records from Interior. Learn how how to request and receive records from Interior.
FOIA Libraries
Many documents are available to the public without having to make a FOIA request. Find documents that have been made available online.
FOIA Guidance
This page serves as a reference point for both the requesting community and FOIA professionals. Find links to the FOIA statute, implementing regulations, executive orders, policies, and other guidance materials.
DOI FOIA Annual Reports
Filing Appeals
If you wish to file a FOIA appeal to challenge a Department of the Interior bureau or office's handling of, or response to, a FOIA request, find the procedures on this page.